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07/04/2024 4:00PM (Pacific Time)장소
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Platinum (유료회원): $60.00MS (유료회원): $60.00
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강의날짜07/04/2024 4:00PM (Pacific Time)
장소Live Webinar
전체 강의시간3시간 (180분)
CEU 보수교육CA: 3시간
1. 임상의를 위한 안전하고 쉬운 도침 1 강다운로드
Class Description
*오프라인 참관: 도침학회회원 한정, 선착 20명 - 마감되었습니다.
강사: 조경하 & 윤성수
시간: 07월 04일 4:00PM - 10:00PM
장소: 라스베가스 (오프라인) & 줌 (온라인)
CEU 총 6시간
1) 7/4 목 4-7pm (3시간) : 조경하
2) 7/4 목 7-10pm (3시간) : 윤성수
Kyongha Cho
Donation to AAAMA
Your donation is applicable for IRS tax credit. Your donation will help AAAMA to continue to deliver education, train, and support Eastern medicine professionals who empower volunteers to meet the healthcare needs and well-being of the community. American Acupuncture & Alternative Medicine Association Services is a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Your donation is applicable for IRS tax credit. Our tax-exempt number is # 82-4100571