Evidence Based Treatment for Fracture & Osteoporosis
현대 과학적 논문 근거를 갖춘 골절 골다공증 비수술 한약 치료 실전 임상 세미나
Date: 01/29/2025 7:00PM
Instructor: Man Ki Hwang
CEU: CA - 2
Price: Free
현대 과학적 논문 근거를 갖춘 골절 골다공증 비수술 한약 치료 실전 임상 세미나
Date: 01/29/2025 7:00PM
Instructor: Man Ki Hwang
CEU: CA - 2
Price: Free
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Your donation is applicable for IRS tax credit. Your donation will help AAAMA to continue to deliver education, train, and support Eastern medicine professionals who empower volunteers to meet the healthcare needs and well-being of the community. American Acupuncture & Alternative Medicine Association Services is a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Your donation is applicable for IRS tax credit. Our tax-exempt number is # 82-4100571